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Article I. Name      
The name of the organization shall be the Texas FFA Association, hereinafter referred to as the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America. Recognized units of the Association may officially use the letters "FFA" and/or the words "Future Farmers of America" to designate the Association, its units and/or members.

Article II. Objectives of the Assn.      
The objectives of the Association hereinafter referred to as the organization shall be consistent with Section 3 of the National FFA Organization’s federal charter, Public Law 105-225 (formerly Public Law 81-740). The Association shall cooperate with national and state government agencies and officials for career and technical education in accomplishing the objectives as set forth in Article II of the National FFA Constitution.

Article III. Organization      
Section A. The Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America is the organization of, by, and for students enrolled in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources programs and pursuant to the Texas Education Code Section 29.182, is an integral part of the agricultural, food, and natural resources career and technical education program. It shall consist of local chapters chartered by the Texas FFA Association. More than one chapter may be chartered in a school when deemed appropriate by the State FFA Board of Directors.
Section B. Active chapters of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be chartered only in such schools where recognized systematic instruction in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources is offered under the provisions of the Texas State Plan for Career and Technology Education and the policies of the Texas Education Agency.   All chapters, whether they be affiliated with public, charter or private schools must adhere to provisions of the Texas Education Code and Texas Administrative Code related to eligibility for extracurricular or co-curricular participation.
Schools with large enrollments and/or multiple programs in Agricultural Science and Technology may establish subsidiary chapters of the parent chapter. Each subsidiary chapter shall be organized and operated in accordance with all provisions of the national, state, and local constitutions. Subsidiary chapters shall be coordinated by the officers and advisors of the parent chapter.

Article IV. Procedures for Determining Standing of Chapters      
Section A. A chapter shall be in good standing with the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America when the following conditions are met:
1. All annual District, Area, State, and National dues have been paid to the Texas FFA by November 1 for Fall semester and March 1 for Spring Semester. The Texas FFA membership year runs from August1 to July 31.
2. All reports have been submitted as requested by the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America.
3. Provisions of the chapter constitution do not conflict with the Texas or National FFA Constitution and chapter activities are in harmony with the ideals and purposes of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America and the National FFA Organization.
Section B. Any chapter not meeting the requirements for good standing shall be suspended and reinstated in the following manner.
The Executive Board of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall warn local chapters on receipt of evidence of a violation to the State or National FFA Constitution and/or Bylaws, and shall have the power to suspend charters of chapters warned when violations are not corrected. (Non-payment of FFA dues and failure to submit a chapter program of activities on request are examples of violations to the State and National Constitution and/or Bylaws.) A report of all suspensions shall be presented to the delegates at the next succeeding state convention. In the event a chapter is not in good standing with the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America at the time of the opening of a state convention, the delegates in session at the state convention shall have the power, upon recommendation of the State FFA Board of Directors, to withdraw the charter and refuse such chapter official representation at the State convention. When such action is taken, the chapter in question and members thereof shall be denied the privileges of membership in the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America. Upon meeting the requirements of good standing, a chapter may be reinstated by action of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America Board of Directors.
In the event a chapter is to be suspended, the State FFA Executive Director will notify the superintendent and the local advisor of the school where the chapter is located, explaining the action taken and corrective measures the chapter must adopt for the charter to be reinstated. In the event a local department of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources is discontinued, its chartered FFA chapter may officially operate for a period not to exceed three years (36 months) from the date of discontinuance, provided proper supervision is given by a person having the approval of the local school administrator and the State FFA Executive Director The chapter’s charter must be surrendered to the State FFA Executive Director at the end of the three-year period if a local department of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources is not in operation

Article V. Membership      
Section A. Membership in this organization shall be of four kinds: (1) Junior, (2) Active, (3) Alumni, and (4) Honorary.
Section B. Junior Membership -- Active chapters of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America may form Junior FFA Chapters for the purpose of enhancing and encouraging the education of younger students who are interested in the agricultural industry.
Membership in the Texas Junior FFA organization shall consist of students enrolled in public schools or accredited private schools who are in the third grade and eight years old and may continue until they become eligible to enroll in the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources program. Junior members must be affiliated with a chapter in the school district in which they are enrolled or with a duly chartered chapter in an accredited private school in which they are enrolled as a full-time student unless the school district approves a waiver for out of district students. School superintendents must approve and certify in writing out of district students to participate in the junior FFA program(s) of their district. Such waivers must be submitted annually.
Each Junior FFA Chapter shall submit yearly a roster to the State FFA Association that includes the name, date of birth, age, grade, and address. Each local chapter can set and collect dues. State dues in the same amount as active FFA membership dues shall be collected.
Section C. Active Membership -- To be eligible for active membership in a chartered FFA chapter, a student must be enrolled in a secondary Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources program. The Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America considers “secondary Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources programs” to be grades 7-12.
To retain membership, a student must:
1. Be enrolled in a least one Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources course during the school year and/or follow a planned course of study; either course must include a supervised agricultural experience program, the objective of which is preparation for an agricultural career.
2. Show an interest in the affairs of the Association by attending meetings, striving for degrees of membership, and participating in other organized activities of the chapter.
3. Pay all current District, Area, State and National dues by the date determined by the chapter.
4. Display conduct consistent with the ideals and purposes of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America.
A member may retain active membership until November 30 following the fourth National FFA Convention after graduation from high school. A member who is in good standing at the time of induction into the armed forces of the United States of America or the FFA international program shall be in good standing during that period of time without further payment of dues or attendance at meetings. Time spent in the armed forces or FFA international program shall not be considered as elapsed time in determining the maximum period of four conventions following graduation from high school or leaving high school. Members making use of this waiver of time for the purpose of maintaining active membership for application for advanced degrees must resume active participation within six months after completing their FFA international program or armed service duty, indicating such a desire by payment of dues and attendance at meetings. Members participating in a six-month armed services program or participating in the FFA international program for six months shall be eligible for one full year of extended membership. No individual may retain active membership beyond his or her twenty-third birthday.
Section D. Alumni membership -- Membership may be open to former active members and honorary members, present and former professional agricultural educators, parents of FFA members, and others interested in and supportive of the FFA.
Section E. Honorary Membership -- Those interested in production agriculture or agribusiness, school superintendents, principals, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, business people, and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA and who have rendered outstanding service, may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or convention. Honorary membership shall be limited to the Honorary Chapter FFA Degree/Chapter Farmer Degree in the chapter, Honorary State FFA Degree/Lone Star Farmer Degree in the state association, and the Honorary American FFA Degree in the National Organization.

Article VI. Degrees & Privileges of Active Membership      
Section A. There shall be five degrees of active membership based on individual achievement. These are the Discovery FFA Degree, Greenhand FFA Degree/Greenhand Degree, the Chapter FFA Degree/Chapter Farmer Degree, the State FFA Degree/Lone Star Farmer Degree, and the American FFA Degree. The Discovery FFA Degree is intended for use in local chapters where middle school membership is offered in local credit classes.  Receipt of this degree is not necessary in order to obtain the Greenhand FFA Degree or subsequent degrees.

Section B. Discovery FFA Degree – To be eligible to receive the Discovery FFA Degree from a chapter, the member must meet the following minimum requirements:

Be enrolled in agricultural education class for at least a portion of the school year while in grades 7-8.
Have become a dues paying member of the FFA at local, state and national levels.
Participate in at least one local FFA chapter activity outside of scheduled class time.
Have knowledge of agriculturally related career, ownership and entrepreneurial opportunities.
Be familiar with the local FFA chapter program of activities.
Submit written applications for the degree.

Section C. Greenhand FFA Degree/Greenhand Degree -- To be eligible to receive the Greenhand FFA Degree from the chapter, the member must meet the following minimum qualifications:

Must be enrolled in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources and have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience program.
Have learned and explained the FFA Creed, Motto and Salute.
Have described and explained the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.
Have demonstrated a knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket.
Have demonstrated a knowledge of the history of the Organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws, and the chapter Program of Activities.
Have access to or personally own a copy of the Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook.
Have submitted an application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.

Section D. Chapter FFA Degree/Chapter Farmer Degree: To be eligible to receive the Chapter FFA Degree from the chapter, the member must meet the following minimum qualifications:

Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree.
Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least two semesters of systematic school instruction in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at or above the ninth grade level, have in operation an approved supervised agricultural experience program, and be enrolled in an Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources course.
Have participated in the planning and conducting of at least three official functions in the chapter Program of Activities.
Have earned and productively invested at least $150 or worked at least forty-five hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof and have developed plans for continued growth and improvement in a supervised agricultural experience program. The combination of hours multiplied by a factor of 3.33 and dollars must equal or exceed the number 150.
Have effectively led a group discussion for fifteen minutes.
Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law.
Have shown progress toward individual achievement in the FFA awards program.
Have a satisfactory scholastic record.
Have participated in at least 10 hours of community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid labor.
Have submitted an application for the Chapter FFA Degree.

Section E. State FFA Degree/Lone Star Farmer Degree: To be eligible for the State FFA Degree from the State Association, the member must meet the following minimum qualifications:

Have received the Chapter FFA Degree.
Have been an active FFA member for at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the State FFA Degree.
Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least four semesters of systematic school instruction in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at or above the ninth grade level, which includes a supervised agricultural experience program.
Have earned and productively invested at least $1,000 or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof in a supervised agricultural experience program. The combination of hours, multiplied by a factor of 3.56 and dollars must exceed or equal the number 1000.
Have demonstrated leadership ability by:
Performing ten procedures of parliamentary law.
b. Giving a six-minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or the FFA.
c. Serving as an officer, committee chairperson, or participating member of a major committee
Have a satisfactory scholastic record as certified by the local Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources instructor and the principal or superintendent.
Have participated in the planning and completion of the chapter program of activities.
As of May 15, have completed ten activities above the chapter level in at least three of six different categories: leadership development events, career development events, conventions and meetings, project shows, student awards and leadership and service as described in policies adopted by the Board of Directors.
As of May 15 of the ear the member is to receive the degree, have participated in at least 25 hours of community service within at least two different community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid SAE hours.
Written records of achievement of all requirements, verified by the chapter FFA advisor, shall be submitted to the State Association at least one month prior to the state FFA convention at which the State FFA Degree is to be received. The State FFA Executive Director shall provide for a review of the records and submit a recommendation to the State FFA Board of Directors, which shall nominate at the State FFA convention the candidates who have been found worth to receive the honor. The State FFA Degree will be conferred upon the candidate subject to approval by the delegates at the state convention.

Section F. American FFA Degree: To be eligible to receive the American FFA Degree from the National FFA organization, the members must meet the following minimum qualifications:

Have received the State FFA Degree, have been an active member for the past three years (36 months), and have a record or satisfactory participation in the activities on the chapter and state levels.
Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of at least three years (540 hours) of systematic secondary school instruction in an Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources program or have completed the program of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at the school last attended. 
Have graduated from high school at least twelve months prior to the national convention at which the degree is to be granted.
Have in operation and have maintained records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program through which a member has exhibited comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise.
A student, after entering agricultural education must have
earned and at least $10,000 and productively invested at least $7,500; or
earned and productively invested $2,000 and worked at least 2250 hours in excess of scheduled class time. Any combination of hours x 3.56 plus dollars must be equal to or greater than the number 10,000. Hours used for the purpose of producing earnings reported as productively invested income shall not be duplicated as hours of credit to meet the minimum requirements of the degree.
Have a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement and have achieved a high school scholastic record of "C" or better as certified by the principal or superintendent.
As of December 31 of the calendar year prior to the year the member is to receive the degree,  have participated in at least 50 hours of community service within at least three different community service activities. These hours are in addition to and cannot be duplicated as paid or unpaid SAE hours.

Article VII. Procedure for Selecting American FFA Degree Recipients      
Section A. Applications for the Degree must be approved by the State Executive Director or representative(s) thereof and be received by the National Organization no later than midnight of June 30, or shown by postmark or other reliable evidence to have been mailed to the National Organization on or before June 15, prior to the national convention at which the degree is to be received.
Section B. Applications must be submitted on the official printed or computer-generated form provided by or approved by the National FFA Organization.
Section C.The National FFA Board of Directors shall review the American FFA Degree applications and recommend those candidates meeting the minimum qualifications. Final approval of the candidates shall be given by the delegates present at the national FFA convention.

Article VIII. Emblem      
Section A. The official emblem of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be the same as that of the National FFA Organization. It shall include five symbols, namely: the plow, representing the labor and tillage of the soil; the owl, representing wisdom; the rising sun, representing progress; a cross-section of an ear of corn, representing common agricultural interests; and an American eagle surmounting the cross-section of the ear of corn, representing the national scope of the organization. The emblem shall also include the letters, "FFA" and the words "Agricultural Education."
Section B. The emblem shall be uniform in all recognized units of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America. All members shall be entitled to display the emblem.
Section C. Greenhand FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official bronze emblem pin; Chapter FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official silver emblem pin; State FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official gold emblem charm; and American FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official gold emblem key.
Section D. Honorary Chapter FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear either the official silver or gold emblem pin; Honorary State FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official gold emblem charm; and Honorary American FFA Degree recipients shall be entitled to wear the official gold emblem key.
Section E. Collegiate FFA chapter members and FFA advisors shall be entitled to wear the official gold owl pin.

Article IX. National Officer Candidate Procedure for Election      
Section A. To represent the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America at the National Convention, a National Officer Candidate must:
1. Meet all qualifications of eligibility to serve as a National Officer according to the National FFA Constitution.
2. Receive the nomination from the candidate’s respective Area to represent that Area as their sole national officer candidate at the Texas FFA Convention.
3. Be elected as the National Officer Candidate representing Texas by a majority vote of the delegates present at the state convention preceding the national convention at which the candidate is to run for National office

Article X. Election, Succession, Replacement and Discharge of State Officers      
Section A. The elected officers of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be selected and nominated by each of the Area Associations. Each of these officers has an opportunity to demonstrate FFA, agricultural education, parliamentary procedure and agricultural industry knowledge via a written exam, present their qualifications to an evaluation committee and appear before the state convention body delegates and deliver a campaign speech. 

A president shall be elected from the state officers by a combination of interview score, 60 percent, and a score derived from the vote of delegates present, 40 percent.

The state elections committee shall consist of the outgoing state officers, with the State Executive Board acting as an advisory committee. The chairman of the elections committee shall be a current state officer designated by the board of directors. 

Chairman of the Board of Directors shall act as chairman of the advisory committee. These two committees will work in conjunction with each other on all decisions concerning the election. 

Results of all elections will be announced as seen fit by the two committees. No results will be posted concerning the election, and any questions concerning the election shall be taken up with the chairman of the advisory committee. 

The candidate receiving the highest total score shall be declared President of the State Association, and the candidate receiving the second highest score total in the final runoff election shall be declared the first vice-president. The remaining officers shall be called vice-presidents, and shall assume the stations of the various other FFA offices for ceremonial purpose at the annual convention and other meetings throughout the year. A runoff election will be held if no clear winner for President or First Vice President is determined after the initial vote. 

Section B. If for any reason a student officer becomes vacant, the area from which the vacancy occurs shall elect another student officer. If for any reason the office of President should become vacant, the student officer who received the next highest score in the election for President shall become President. 

Section C. The elected officers shall constitute the Board of Texas FFA Officers. It shall be the duty of this Board to advise and make recommendations to the Texas FFA Board of Directors with respect to the activities and business of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America. 

Section D. Each Area Association may elect one state officer each year. The state officer shall be elected by a combination of interview score, 60 percent, and a score derived from the vote of delegates present, 40 percent and in accordance to policies adopted by the State FFA Board of Directors. 
Section E. The state officers shall hold the State FFA Degree at the time of their election at the state convention and must be active members for the duration of their term in office. A candidate may be eligible to run for state office during the first and/or second convention after their graduation from high school. 
Section F. State FFA Officers shall serve from one state convention through the next succeeding state convention and shall not be reelected, nor eligible for election to another state office. In the event a state convention is not held in any given year, the State Board of Directors shall make provisions for the appointment of state officers for the next succeeding year.

Section G. Officers may be suspended by the Executive Director for violations of the officer code of conduct, student officer disciplinary policy, association ethics policies or other relevant policies pursuant to policies and procedures enacted by the Board of Directors. Officers may be discharged by the State Executive Board for serious violations of applicable policies in accordance to policies and procedures enacted by the Board of Directors. Policies governing suspension and removal shall include provisions for appropriate disciplinary steps, due process and appeals.

Article XI. State Exec. Director & Program Director for AFNR      
Section A. The Board of Directors shall employ an Executive Director to lead the operations of the Texas FFA Association in accordance to the Texas FFA Association Constitution and Bylaws and policies adopted by the State FFA Board of Directors and in harmony with the instructional objectives of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources program.
Section B.The FFA is an integral part of the agricultural education instructional program. The Program Director for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Texas Education Agency, shall be consulted to provide advice and oversight to ensure Texas FFA Association programs and policies are in accordance with and fulfilling the needs of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources instructional goals and comply with all relevant state laws and agency rules.

Article XII. Area, District & Chapter Officers      
Section A. The offices of the Area FFA Associations shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel. Other officers may be elected as deemed appropriate by the Area Association. Area officers shall serve no more than one full term. The advisor of the area president shall be the Area Advisor. If an officer moves out of his or her respective area, the office will be vacated and replacement will be elected according to Area Constitution. All officers must be active FFA members and be enrolled in high school throughout the duration of their term.
Section B. The offices of the District Association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel. Other officers may be elected as deemed necessary by the District Association. The advisor of the district president shall be the District Advisor. If an officer moves out of his or her respective district, the office will be vacated and replacement will be elected according to District constitution. All officers must be active FFA members and be enrolled in high school throughout the duration of their term.
Section C. The offices of local Chapters shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel. Other officers may be elected as provided for by the Chapter constitution. The advisor of the chapter shall be the Agricultural Science Teacher(s) in that school. If an officer moves to another chapter, the office will be vacated and replacement will be elected through according to Chapter constitution. All officers must be active FFA members and be enrolled in high school throughout the duration of their term.
Section D. If a Chapter Association has been chartered for two or more years, officers shall have attained the Chapter FFA Degree.

Article XIII. Meetings & Conventions      
Section A. Except in case of an extreme emergency declared by the State FFA Board of Directors a convention of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be held annually. The time and place of the convention shall be determined by the governing body Board of Directors, but must be held at least 60 days prior to the National Convention.
Section B. At the State Convention, each local chapter shall be entitled to send one delegate from its active membership, plus one additional delegate for 50 members, or any fraction thereof, above the first 50 members. A quorum shall exist when delegates representing more than 50% of the chapters registered for convention are present.

Section C. Except in cases of extreme emergency, Area conventions shall be held annually prior to the State Convention at a time selected by the Area Association.
Section D. Cumulative and proxy voting are prohibited. In election processes requiring two votes, a ballot must have two votes cast to constitute a legal ballot.

Article XIV. Committees      
Section A. The Texas FFA President shall appoint all student committees with the advice and consent of the Executive Board and/or the Board of Directors. In such cases which present potential conflict of interest in committee appointments, such committees shall be appointed by a consensus of the Board of Student Officers with the consent of the Board of Directors.
Section B. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint adult committees formed for the purpose of policy development.
Section C. The Executive Director shall appoint adult committees for the purpose of programmatic development or provide for such appointments in accordance to policies adopted by the State FFA Board of Directors.

Article XV. State FFA Board of Directors      
Section A. Governing Body
1. The governing body of the Texas FFA Association shall be the Texas FFA Board of Directors consisting of the current president, vice president and secretary-treasurer of the VATAT, the immediate past president of the VATAT and the past immediate past president of the VATAT, a current Agricultural Science teacher elected at-large, the Executive Director of the VATAT, six representatives of agribusiness/agriculture, one school administrator, one teacher educator, and the Executive Director of the Texas FFA Foundation. The immediate past president of the VATAT shall serve as vice chairperson of the board and as chairperson elect. The past immediate past VATAT president shall serve as chairperson of the board of directors. In the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson shall serve as chairperson. In the absence of the chairperson and vice chairperson, the chairperson shall designate chairperson from the board to preside over meetings of the State FFA Board of Directors. The Program Director of Agriculture Food and Natural Resources, Executive Director of the Texas FFA and a Texas FFA Alumni Association representative shall be ex-officio members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may appoint consultants as deemed necessary.
2. The terms of office of members of the State FFA Board of Directors and the selection of such members shall be prescribed in the Bylaws.
3. The State FFA Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year at such time and place as may be prescribed by the board and shall present an annual report.
4. Duties -- The State FFA Board of Directors shall review decisions and proposals of the Board of Student Officers. The State Board of Directors shall have final authority in all matters pertaining to the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America within policies of the Texas Education Agency and without violating the Texas FFA Constitution and Bylaws or the National FFA Constitution and Bylaws.
Section B. Executive Board--The Executive Board consisting of the Chairman of the State FFA Board of Directors, Executive Director of the Texas FFA Association, Executive Director of the Texas FFA Foundation, Program Director for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Texas Education Agency, State FFA President or another designated state officer and the Executive Director of the Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas to serve as the Executive Board which shall have the power to deal with items of business of the Texas FFA Association/ Texas Association of Future Farmers of America in accordance with the Texas FFA Constitution and Bylaws and board adopted policies. All official policy actions of the Executive Board shall be approved by the State FFA Board of Directors.

Article XVI. Dues      
Section A. Annual Membership dues in the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be fixed by a majority vote of the delegates at the Texas FFA Convention. Local chapters shall be notified of a proposed dues change 30 days prior to the State FFA Convention.
Section B. The membership year of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be from August 1 to July 31. The fiscal year for the association will be from September 1 to August 31.
Section C. The dues of any recognized unit of the Texas FFA Association/Texas Association of Future Farmers of America shall be determined by a majority vote of the delegates within each unit.

Article XVII. Amendments      
Section A. Amendments to the Texas FFA Constitution and/or Bylaws may be submitted by an Area FFA Association, the Board of Student Officers, or State FFA Board of Directors. The proposed amendments to the State Constitution and/or Bylaws from an Area Association must be submitted in writing to the Texas FFA at least 60 days prior to the next State FFA Convention for review by the State FFA Board of Directors and the Board of Student Officers. All proposed amendments to the Texas FFA Constitution and/or Bylaws must be submitted by the State Executive Director to the local chapters at least 30 days prior to the next State FFA Convention. The State FFA Officers shall present the delegates at the State Convention. An amendment to the State FFA Constitution may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the votes cast by the official delegates at the State Convention. An amendment to the Bylaws shall require a majority vote of the official delegates at the State FFA Convention. Amendments to the Bylaws must not conflict with the State or National FFA Constitutions.

Article XVIII. Parliamentary Procedure      
Section A. The Parliamentary Guide for FFA by Jarrell D. Gray shall be used as the final authority in governing the actions of all state FFA meetings.
Section B. The acting parliamentarian for all Texas State FFA meetings shall be the advisor of the winning Senior Chapter Farmer Chapter Conducting team of the previous State Leadership Contests.

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  Constitution & Bylaws
Texas FFA Constitution and Bylaws

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