TAIA will award scholarships based on the applicant’s qualifications. Scholarships will be available to registered, full-time students either entering college or continuing a college education. Graduate students are also eligible. A recommendation from a TAIA member would be beneficial but is not mandatory. Scholarship funds will be given to the students selected college to use towards enrollment expenses.
Other qualifications:
- An agriculture major
- Attend a Texas university or college
- Full-time student (12+ hours)
- Maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA, reporting GPA at end of each semester
- Maximum 500 word essay with application
- Not required to be a Texas resident
- $500 per semester / $4000 total maximum / 4 year maximum
Funds sent to attending school first semester; from then on GPA and enrollment must be verified by scholarship committee.
Additional information and application can be found at http://www.taia.org/scholarship.html.